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2023年 目標:禱告與行動。行動:進到主前行動、出到人群行道。**********建立溫暖、成長與行動的基督門徒教會**********
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I was busy at working last two weeks. It's been a little late but I still want to show my thankfulness to you all.

This is my second time to do volunteer in this camp but every time I enter the church and get along with you, share experience and worship together...I have a totally different feeling
這是我第二次當英語營的志工但是每一次踏入教會都讓我有不同的感受不論是和大家團契. 分享或敬拜都帶給我很大的喜樂

It seemed like that I went back to my childhood and grow up with you, with every cute child in God's love and know one another more as time passed by.

I want to thank everyone that cheered me up, gave me presents and most importantly, prayed for me. Though I often made mistakes, every person did love me with God's love and made me feel very touched.

I pray that you all are fine and we can meet again soon. Let us pass the everlasting love of God with our life, with one heart . I believe that love can change the world !
Blessings in Jesus's name !

But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee. (Psalm 5:11)